COVID-19 and the New World Order

30.09.20 04:54 PM By Brendan Banteh

Adjusting to the Greatest Challenge of Our Professional Lives

As business big and small scramble to pivot nearly everything they do in response to this #unprecedented crisis, the question that continues to bubble up is what response is the ‘right’ response? No matter the approach you’ve adopted to create a sense of normalcy in uncertainty, what may prove fatal is doing nothing and/or adopting the business-as-usual attitude.

How are you approaching this crisis? Assuming you are well, safe; and that you, your family and coworkers, reports, etc. are not infected and in incubation. The sense of urgency and immediacy in such life-threatening circumstances is obviously different from a scenario in which the health and survival of people around you is not in question. Therefore, assuming that you are well, what concrete steps are you taking to retool your brand?

We’ve heard over and over that unprecedented times demand unprecedented methods of problem-solving and an overhaul of what we think we know. Maybe because the foundation of such thoughts relies on data that no longer applies. With our proven processes suddenly rendered arcane, what is emerging is #collaboration in unprecedented ways. Part of that collaboration is the willingness to share tested strategies and approaches that have worked and are working.

There's, therefore, inter-corporate and intra-indiscipline collaboration the likes we've not seen before. We are going to need even more this as we seek to lift each other up. Success is no longer an individual pursuit. When we do succeed we'll do so together. Failure, as it is now proven, is intertwined and cataclysmic. 

Brendan Banteh